Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Google Video Search

Been playing around with with Google's new Video content using the AJAX API search code that I found via the rather clever http://ajaxsearch.blogspot.com/ site. Fortunately, I found the much more easy to follow, step by step guide on: http://www.google.com/uds/solutions/videosearch/index.html

It is very clever stuff but the random amatuer video clips can be a bit sad. I have tried to find something that will give you a feel for what Tarifa and Costa de la Luz is like plus some other searches that show how the embedded video search & play works.

We plan to make our own video clips up as soon as we get back out to Tarifa at the end of October - in the meantime you will have to make do with the lucky dips into the Google video frog spawn. Makes you realise how the Internet repesents such a cross section of tastes and sometimes questionable decency (at least Google seems to keep any hard core stuff off their site).

I found some really amazing Parkour clips - I have always admired these 'urban guerilla gymnasts' but I have only ever seen them once in real life in Birmingham around the town square civic fountains.

I will also be adding our Tarifa picture gallery soon to let you see what a beautiful and unspoilt part of Spain this is - how lucky we are to be able to get to stay their four or five times a year.
